Most Searched Words Google

Most Searched Words Google

Explore what the world’s most searched words people are using Google to search for. The Google trending tool can help you see what is the hottest topic on the Internet anywhere in the world. You can use this data for your own information, website news stories, or just for hot topics at your next party talk.

Trending in the USA today.

Recently trending the USA
Keep up with the latest trending searches for Most Searched Words on Google.

Latest Stories and Insights
Explore how Google data can be used to tell stories.

Google Trends: Improving search results for Most Searched Words Google
Refine your queries to get more useful data. Moving beyond the basics. Google Trends allows you to easily see the stories and subjects that are drawing attention. Exploring topics is a relatively simple process, and Trends includes some features and options to help refine your results. There are several ways to get the precise data you need to help prompt a story idea or support a point.

Refining your search using punctuation. You can use punctuation to filter your Trends search results. For example, if you’re writing a story about alternative energy and search the term wind farm, with no punctuation, your results will contain both words in any order, along with other words (offshore wind farm, new methods to farm wind, wind saves the farm, etc.). No misspellings, spelling variations, synonyms, or plural or singular versions of your terms will be included.

Refining your search by region for Most Searched Words Google. When you search for a term in Google Trends, your results will include a map of the world showing areas where your term is popular. Darker shades indicate where your term has a higher probability of being searched. Simply hovering over a region will activate a pop-up window that reveals its search volume index. On the right of the map is a list view icon that displays the ranking of top regions or cities based on your term’s popularity.

There is so much more you do to refine your search.

Year in Search
See what Most Searched Words Google was trending on Google by year

Using Google Trends data and assets. Google Trends measures what people are searching for right now. In your news stories, you may want to include that information to help illustrate current interest in, say, a political candidate or social issue. Trends make it very easy to find, embed, and download its data, helping to bring stories to life.

Embedding Google Trends visualizations. It’s very easy to embed any or all of the Google Trend data visualizations that result from a search—Interest Over Time, Regional Interest, and Related Searches—to spotlight the topics people are looking for.

  • In the top right corner of the data visualization,  click Embed.

TRENDING EXAMPLE: “Chase Young stats”

Creating your own data visualizations. While Google Trends data visualizations can be embedded just as they appear on the Trends site, you may occasionally want to use only the data from these charts to create your own, customized visualization for a story.

  • To separate the data from the chart, you’ll want to download its CSV (Comma Separated Values) file. On the results page (where the charts appear) click Download in the upper right of each chart.
  • Once downloaded, you can open the file and build custom charts using a spreadsheet application like Google Sheets or import them into data visualization tools like Flourish.