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Reputation Management Online

Reputation management online is something that cannot be overlooked in any business. We all know that today’s customers look for products and services on the Internet. They use review platforms, and social media or they browse the company’s website. All this is to form opinions about the product or service they are looking for. After all, they often buy from the company whose reputation is most impressive to them even if the price is a little higher.

Why is online reputation management profitable?

A favorable opinion of customers about the company is not something that is gained permanently. It may change for reasons such as where a business is displayed in search results, the layout and content of the site, presence on social media, and the influence of opinions or rankings posted on the web. Whether companies know it or not, their reputation matters. The good news is that it is manageable.

Importance of reputation management for the company

Ironically, the term reputation management does not have the best reputation. Many brands and companies treat them a bit like crisis management. It’s not something they think about until there is a problem. Imagine, the reader, that you have been building your business for years. You invested time, sweat, and tears. You missed going out to parties and Netflix evenings, but you fought bravely for success. You finally feel you’ve reached the point where you can finally relax … until the day the phones go silent, new customers are gone and you can’t understand why?

Your current customers love you, but your business is having problems?
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You still provide a great product and your current customers love you, but your business is having problems. Finally, you learn from one of your reliable customers that there are a lot of negative reviews on the web about your company. You realize that an online company’s reputation paints a distorted picture of reality. Unfortunately, this “illusory vision” kills your business quite realistically. While this scenario may seem far-fetched, it turns out that such a situation applies to hundreds, if not thousands of companies in the country.

In a world where consumers have immediate and full access to information at their fingertips, there is a huge shift in the way people think about reputation, both personally and professionally. Much depends on the company’s approach to reputation management. The mentions, comments, recommendations, and reviews that make your reputation do not have to be the center of the problems. They may as well be a value center for brands and companies. Online reputation is a major differentiator for an organization in the marketplace, whether the company sells vegetables locally or exports clothing worldwide.

More and more entities are aware of this fact: each day their reputation opens up new opportunities for them or directs potential customers to their competitors. So companies cannot view reputation management the way crisis management does – we will react as it happens. They should think of their reputation as a permanent competitive advantage. It is, after all, the engine of their growth and prosperity, a strategic asset. Reputation management must therefore become one of the key elements of a marketing strategy.

How to manage your online reputation?

There are five things to keep in mind when it comes to playing an active role in developing, building, and protecting your online reputation. One of them is range. Although it may seem that a few positive reviews on Google are enough, a broad-based approach to online review management will bring much better results. Think of a famous company or person that is not in the best position at the moment. Google it and you will understand what it is about. You can find entries about it in many corners of the web.

Company reputation

Another thing is making sure there are real reviews from real customers online. Even if it seems tempting to cheat the system by posting a few flattering reviews. Not only is it unethical to manage your reputation in this way, but it will also certainly be exposed, and this could have unintended consequences. Encourage your clients to be as specific as possible in their assessments. The hallmark of fake reviews is vagueness and laconicism.

It turns out that the date the opinion is published is also important for search engines. For this reason alone, it is worth ensuring a constant stream of new, positive reviews. Additionally, the newer entries are stronger social proof to potential clients than the older ones. Topicality is one thing, and the number of opinions is another. Ask yourself: If one dentist has 25 reviews that average 4 stars and the next best dentist has one 5-star review, who will you call? On the other hand, everything should be balanced. Of course, the better the opinions, the better, but everything is within reason. A business that has nothing but five-star ratings may look dodgy, but generally the more favorable the reviews the better.

Reputation management – what tools to use?

What people say about an online business becomes the most important reflection of its quality, reliability, and ability no matter what the business does. In the latest Nielsen Global Trust in Advertising survey, 66% of global consumers indicated that they trust online reviews when making a purchase decision. Even though these come from strangers. Therefore, it is worth repeating – reputation management should be the No. 1 marketing priority of any company.

Most business owners are unaware that consumers want the information to help them know they are making the best, most legitimate purchase. Today, much of that trust comes in the form of online reviews reflecting the experiences of others. Companies have social media monitoring tools at their disposal to “measure” online reputation. They allow you to track public statements containing specific keywords, which is why they are also called social listening tools.

It is obvious that it would be impossible to manually scour the Internet for unflattering posts, articles, tweets, or other types of entries and judge what the general opinion about the brand is based on. Fortunately, the most advanced social media monitoring tools today are equipped with tone analysis features. They can automatically detect the overtone and the message of each of them. Thanks to this, the company is able to quickly identify its strengths and weaknesses – or rather, how the environment perceives them.

Reputation management – the most common mistakes

There are 3 common mistakes companies can make when trying to manage or repair their reputation. One of them is the aforementioned paying for posting positive reviews. You don’t have to look far to work with a company that will take over customer reputation management for a fee. They will create multiple social media accounts and post all positive but false reviews on the internet. This strategy does not pay off, not least in terms of public relations, as in reality, it will most likely damage the company’s reputation in the end.

In addition, the law provides penalties for dishonest opinion-forming Internet users, both if the opinions are negative and positive. This type of scandal will certainly not benefit any company. Another error is the so-called feeding trolls. This name is used by Internet users who are constantly looking for opportunities to publish harmful or defamatory comments. For what? To provoke a reaction from other people. Therefore, it is not worth getting into a discussion if the comment seems particularly scathing.

Many reputations have been ruined when company representatives overwrite themselves on social media or on another site. Doing so makes them and the company look unprofessional and people start to turn away from them. Instead, it is better to encourage the author of the comment to contact the company directly, e.g. via a private message. On the other side of the scale is reputation management based on ignoring the customer. And yet it is customers who determine whether or not to be a company, so this tactic means a shot in the knee.

If a customer is angry or upset, ignoring them is 100% wrong. Then it looks as if the company just doesn’t care about the customer’s problem. It is worth reacting and always trying to answer dissatisfied customers. As a result, people will be more likely to see the company in a more positive light, which will translate into a better reputation.

What is the purpose of corporate reputation management?

Before we discuss the main goals of the corporate reputation management process, it is worth explaining what reputation actually is.

The term reputation covers all subjective perceptions consisting of objective opinions, views, and judgments of individuals, groups, institutions, organizations, etc. There are two forms of understanding reputation in the literature. The first identifies reputation with the concept of image. According to the second, reputation is something that influences the image (according to some, there is no connection between the two concepts). In marketing terms, reputation is defined as a trait that determines the associations a person has with a brand. Reputation expresses what others think about the company – about its activities, etc. Opinions are based on the individual experiences of recipients and information from other people associated with the company.

Corporate reputation

The concept of reputation can be understood as its measurable value – a value that helps (or makes it difficult if it is tarnished) to achieve sales and marketing goals, build an advantage in the market, and increase competitiveness.

Reputation management is about building and maintaining a positive opinion of recipients about the company. These are activities aimed at developing a good image of the company, its modification when it is tarnished and defense in crisis situations.

Reputation management consists of four processes:
  • developing the identity of the company that will have a positive impact on its image in the eyes of customers,
  • effective management of customer relationships (in this case, customers),
  • gaining their trust, meeting their expectations,
  • maintaining a constant dialogue with the target group.

The identity of the company is its personality, all norms, values ​​it professes, organizational culture, internal rules, and other elements that create them. How customers perceive the company depends to a large extent on identity. Image, on the other hand, has a significant impact on the company’s reputation. It is therefore important to maintain a strong corporate identity that will create a positive brand image in the eyes of customers.

Managing relationships with recipients is about defining target groups, choosing the language, form, and channels of communication, and creating strong ties.

Another element of reputation management is gaining the trust of recipients by implementing specific activities. The company should achieve its goals, act in accordance with its mission, and at the same time take care to meet the expectations of its recipients.

Relationship management

The company should maintain a constant dialogue with its customers at all times. Listen carefully to their needs and expectations. The aim is to understand their intentions, get to know and accept their suggestions, and then modify the identity, organizational culture, and other elements of identity in such a way as to maintain the reputation at the highest possible level.

Reputation management on social media

Creating an image on social media is a demanding, time-consuming process. However, it is undoubtedly worth getting involved in. Social media – due to its popularity, global reach, interactivity, and variety of forms of communication – are an inseparable element of functioning on the market. Through them, you can reach a wide range of potential customers, create brand awareness and build competitiveness.

Social media can play an important role in managing a company’s reputation. Social media is the easiest and fastest way to reach your audience – and as we mentioned before, building relationships and maintaining dialogue with customers are important elements of reputation management. Efficient communication of the company with clients via social media is one of the foundations of shaping the company’s good reputation.

Reputation management in social media is a complex process that involves taking specific, deliberate actions, constantly monitoring the situation, and making improvements to your strategy. How to manage your reputation on social media?

Professional, direct communication.

The first important element is to conduct an open, direct dialogue with customers. Many audiences believe that social media is the fastest way to contact a brand. This is where customers leave their opinions, as well as report problems and complaints.

Comments about the company

Especially in the second case, you should take care of thoughtful, direct feedback. Adverse comments should not be ignored. You have to focus on customer problems. Each entry must be answered by directing a conversation to an e-mail or private message. A 1-on-1 dialogue with a dissatisfied customer is a sign of professionalism. Moreover, a face-to-face conversation is a chance to prepare well-thought-out answers.

Positive image.

When creating an image on social media, what counts is commitment, systematicity, and constant interaction with the target group. A company that fosters relationships with its clients and cares for consistency and uniformity of the content created has the best chance of achieving success and efficient reputation management.

Bigger idea.

Selling should not be the main focus of the business. A brand with a deeper idea behind its activity will be better perceived by its recipients. How to use social media for this? For example, you can get involved in social and charity campaigns, use the power of the Internet to “sow good”, promote activities for the local community, etc.


Implementing a recommendation system in social media is a great way to manage your online reputation. It is worth encouraging customers to leave their opinions and share their positive experiences in contact with the brand. A large number of favorable reviews can positively affect consumer confidence in the brand and, consequently, improve its reputation and keep it high.

Recommendation marketing as a form of reputation management

Recommendation marketing can be an effective tool for the effective management of a company’s online reputation. According to the data, opinions about a brand on the Internet have a huge impact on its image. The way the company is perceived by others depends to a large extent on whether the brand will win new customers and thus be successful in the market. Research shows that most consumers read online reviews before deciding to buy a specific product, use a service or work with a brand. Internet users believe in the authenticity of the recommendation. Why? Because they were published by “real” people who took advantage of the brand’s offer and had contact with it. Their opinions are credible, and based on real experiences.

Positive comments prove that it is worth trusting a given company. You should motivate customers to leave positive feedback.

Customer recommendations can be divided into two groups of opinions. One of them is “organic” opinions, ie comments posted by customers of their own free will. In turn, “generated” opinions are comments issued after the brand encouraged the customer.

“Organic” reviews are nothing more than spontaneous reviews of satisfied (or dissatisfied) customers. In order for the recipient to voluntarily express a favorable opinion, their experience with the brand must be positive. The key to achieving such a state is offering products/services of the highest possible quality, taking care of excellent standards of customer service, immediate response to all inquiries and problems of consumers, and fast execution of orders.

Recommendation marketing

Unfortunately, it often happens that, even despite the highest standards of service and taking care of the positive experience of all customers, there are not many spontaneous opinions. In this case, it is worth implementing thoughtful marketing of “generated” recommendations. Various techniques and tools can be used for this.

One of the most popular is the system of automatic messages to customers with a reminder to issue an opinion about the product/brand/service. An incentive to leave your review may be, for example, a discount code for subsequent purchases or services. Other forms of recommendation marketing are affiliate programs, ambassador programs, or social marketing (creating relationships between the company and the audience).

Why is reputation management profitable?

Managing a company’s reputation requires a strategy. You need to have a system for entering and collecting reviews, and develop a reputational marketing culture and processes. Investments in these areas will pay off in the form of new customers attracted by the brand. There is, however, one more “hidden” benefit to a great reputation on the Internet: defending the price of the products/services offered. Almost every company has been fighting for this for years in the world of ubiquitous competition. Imagine how easy it will be to answer the question “Why should I pay more for your product/service?” You can then simply reply “Have you looked on the internet to see what our customers are saying?”

Companies must be able to harness the power of a five-star reputation. Especially if this one was earned through hard work. Can it be allowed to be forgotten by one dissatisfied customer or competitor? How can this be prevented? Reputation management is all about developing a system to make your brand’s biggest fans louder than your biggest enemies.

Regardless of the size of your business, everyone – potential customers, random audiences, competitors – is talking about you. They tweet about your latest product, leave a comment on your blog, post to Facebook, share their experiences, and more. If you think you can ignore it, or that you can do it without considering other people’s votes, opinions and reviews, think again.