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Seduction and SEO

Too many marketers focus on SEO instead of the real objective which is seduction, pleasing a target audience, and finding buyers. As seduction must happen before sex, you must focus on seducing your audience before they will buy from you. You must give them pleasure, seduction, and SEO. Wham bam thank you mam does not work for long.

The art of seduction is a game of psychology, creating content that becomes enticing and draws the attention of your audience. Every word on your website and every social media interaction can be seen as part of the seduction process. Do not focus so much on your products or service but instead focus on how your products and service will fill the need of the target.

Stages of Seduction

Like the most beautiful seductress, you start with beauty, then you must have the talents behind the scene. The stages of seduction relate directly to how you should approach SEO.

  • Open and honest – provide details that directly reflect your product or service
  • Attraction – demonstrate value through natural beauty, color, and friendly presentation
  • Communication – describe how your product or service helps the customer
  • Connection – focus your design on an audience segment
  • Foreplay – provide interesting levels of presentation from simple to more detailed
  • Intimacy – the customer needs to fully relate to what you are selling
  • Last-minute resistance – keep in mind the customer has thousands of other choices within a click’s grasp, you are not the only fish in the sea
  • Intercourse – the customer finalizes a purchase and falls in love with your products and services and you live happily ever after.

Now that you have won the heart of your love you must continue to provide the same excellent products and service until death do you part.

Elements of Seduction

Every seduction is comprised of two elements. You must analyze and understand how each works in the seduction process. First, you must understand what makes you special to the target audience. Second, analyze how can you use that with your target and the actions that will break through their defenses and create surrender.

  • You must pick your target audience … beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Not everyone will like your style.
  • Put your best foot forward, wear your best attire, and get seen. Provide the target you wish to seduce with something interesting to get their attention.
  • Back that up with the real thing, products, and services that meet expectations.

Size does not matter, it is all about quality. But never forget that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Select a target audience to seduce that is willing to receive what you have to offer.

Father Google

The best SEO you can do is word of mouth. Google uses an algorithm so advanced that its AI approach is better than humans in interpreting content in most cases. It does not just look at your keywords anymore. Basically, Google decides what everyone will be presented with when they start searching for true love.

  • Google takes into account the entire web page,
  • then how the web page is associated with the website,
  • the website is compared to how it associates with other websites,
  • Google looks at links from other websites associated with your website,
  • the big picture is how social media and other sources see your website.

Seductress and Seducer

A seductress is a perfect example of how you need to approach SEO. Forgive the feminine reference but it is best. Too many marketers use the masculine approach which is to show off their muscles and boast when in reality they do have what it takes to back it up inside. It takes more than beauty, more than actions, it takes real follow-through from the heart to win customers’ trust.

Do you yearn for love? Adventure? High-minded spiritual communion? Your fantasy is reflected in the ideal lover. He or she is a master at producing the illusion you desire while perfecting your portrait.

Few women could resist Casanova, who was possibly the most accomplished seducer in history. His strategy was simple: when he met a lady, he would study her, follow her moods, figure out what she needed, and provide it to her. He fashioned himself into the perfect lover.

  • study – get to know your audience
  • follow – provide what they are looking for
  • needs – fill a need of your target audience
  • provide – provide high-quality products or services

In today’s environment, the ideal lover is uncommon because the role requires work. You’ll have to concentrate entirely on the other person, trying to figure out what she or he is missing and what they are dissatisfied about. If your business website can do this you are already among the elite few and will be loved by many.

Be Unique

The business that stands out from the crowd in terms of both appearance and demeanor will provide the best platform to build your seduction. You need to have the ability to seduce both socially and direct. Businesses that pursue this line of thinking have groups develop around them, their style is widely mimicked, and a whole court or crowd will fall in love with them.

Poke fun at current trends and fashions, go in a new direction, and be totally uninterested in what everybody else is doing in ways that are both striking and aesthetic, never vulgar; poke fun at current trends and styles, go in a novel route, and be extremely uninterested in the commonality of others.

Non Conformity

Nonconformity, on the other hand, goes far beyond appearances. They are distinguished by their attitude toward life; adopt that attitude, and a circle of followers will grow around you. This article is just one example of how Glenn Website Design is using its own words. Glenn Website Design is coming back after being hit by a COVID shut down for 2 years. We have tried numerous methods of advanced SEO to revive the business model in the past few months. They are working, but not as well as we hoped. Google has shifted the focus of SEO away from old-school ways. It is now focused on bringing exactly what the searcher’s intent is, not always what they say in words. This requires thinking for each Search result.

Our new approach to SEO is to start providing a more entertaining way of presenting our message. This will help to get our message shared, and in turn, become more important to the new Google.

Charm Your Target Audience

Seduction and SEO without sex is the charmer’s charm. Sometimes our goal is not an immediate sale but a lasting relationship with a client that leads to other potential business. You can build that with charm. Charmers are master manipulators who conceal their cunning by creating a pleasant and relaxing atmosphere. They use a simple technique to divert attention away from themselves and toward their goal. They can read your mind, sense your anguish, and adjust to your changing moods. You feel better about yourself when you’re with a charmer. What could be more appealing than charmers who do not quarrel, fight, whine, or harass?

Charming Rules:

  • Put your target in the spotlight.
  • Charmers blend into the background, and their prey becomes the focus of their attention.
  • Make them the target center of attention, and they’ll become addicted to and reliant on you.

Nobody wants to hear about your worries and difficulties. Listen to your targets’ concerns, but more importantly, provide them with pleasure to divert them from their issues. Being cheerful and amusing always wins out over being serious and critical.

An active presence is also more appealing than lethargy, which hints at boredom, which is a huge social taboo; and elegance and style will typically triumph over vulgarity because most people like to connect themselves with things they consider high and intellectual.

Bring enmity together.

The Charmer is an expert at resolving disputes and finding a solution to problems. Never invite enmities that are resistant to your charm; in the face of aggressive people, recede and let them have their small wins.

The Customer Is Always Right

Some people are impervious to Charmers, such as cynics and self-confident people who don’t want confirmation. Charmers are viewed as slick and deceptive by these folks, and they might cause issues for you. The remedy is to do what most Charmers do naturally: make as many friends as possible. You won’t have to worry about the few people you can’t charm if you secure your power via numbers.

Charismatic Approach to Seduction and SEO

The presence of charisma stimulates us. It stems from an inner character that most people lack and desire: self-confidence, vitality, a feeling of purpose, and satisfaction. This aspect pervades charismatic actions, making them seem remarkable and superior, and leading us to believe there is more to them than meets the eye: they are gods, saints, and stars. A penetrating look, fiery oratory, and an aura of mystery may all be used to increase charm.

They have the ability to seduce on a vast scale. Learn how to project charm by radiating energy while staying detached. Charisma is mass seduction at its finest. Charismatics get masses to fall in love with them and then lead them on. They don’t say where their assurance or happiness comes from. However, everyone can sense it; it spreads forth without the illusion of purposeful effort. The Charismatic’s face is generally alive, full of energy, desire, and alertness—a lover’s expression that is instantly alluring, if not strangely sexual.

Qualities For Charisma

Purpose. People will follow you automatically if they feel you have a strategy and know where you’re heading. It makes no difference which way you go: choose a cause, an ideal, a vision, and demonstrate that you will not stray from your goal.

Eloquence. A charismatic person is one who believes in the power of words. The rationale is simple: words are the most effective means of causing emotional reactions. It helps if the speaker is as impassioned, as engrossed in words, as the listener is to achieve this level of eloquence. Eloquence, on the other hand, can be learned: the tactics utilized are catchphrases, slogans, rhythmic repeats, and phrases for the audience to repeat. A good example is advertising with a purpose, like Burger King: “Have It Your Way” attack on McDonald’s inflexibility in the 70s.

Fervency. You must believe in something deeply enough for it to animate all of your emotions and make your eyes light up. A major cause to gather around—a crusade—is a requirement for fervent conviction.

Adventurousness. Charismatics are unconventional. They have an air of adventure and risk that attracts the bored. Be brazen and courageous in your actions—be seen taking risks for the good of others.

Magnetism. If any physical attribute is crucial in seduction, it is the eyes. They reveal excitement, tension, and detachment, without a word being spoken. The demeanor of Charismatics may be poised and calm, but their eyes are magnetic; they have a piercing gaze that disturbs their targets’ emotions, exerting force without words or action.


Seduction and SEO are one and the same. Study the target audience. Figure ways you can present your products or services to the target audience in a way it fills a need of theirs, in a way it helps them. Focus on what you can give, not what you can get. Find more interesting articles at The Daily Blog.

If you need help with your new website design, SEO, or marketing please do not hesitate to contact us. We provide free consultations for both internet-related activities and the seductive process.