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How Do Web Pages Work

Computer Basics

To start with an explanation of how do web pages work we need to begin with how computers talk and a little history of the internet.

The computer language consists of only 2 characters 0 and 1, unlike the English alphabet which has 26 letters. Can you even imagine creating a language with only zero and one? Just imagine for a moment that the English language consisted of only 2 characters A and B. So instead of saying Apple, you might have to say ABBAB. As you see 2 letters can easily become a language. But with only 2 letters you would have to keep expanding the length of the words to create the entire language.

The English language has 171,146 words. The computer has to cover every language on the planet. A computer word size varies from 8, 16, 24, 32, or 64 characters/bits, while modern general-purpose computers usually use 32 or 64 bits for normal operation. So with 64 bits, there are 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 possible words that could be created.

So when you input APPLE on your keyboard internal electronics convert that to a computer language in binary which is 01100001 01110000 01110000 01101100 01100101.

Computer Programming Language

Originally way back when programmers started writing code in binary, ones and zeroes. This became awfully complex as the need for the ability of the computer expanded. Humans are not designed to communicate in this way. So that is when they invented an interface language to talk with the computer. The interface much like your simple keyboard would go through some electronic processors and be stored as the 0 or 1 in words. This started back in 1883 when Ada Lovelace and Charles Babbage had to have an easier way to communicate with the Analytical Engine. Later in 1957, John Backus created the first advanced form of programming language which was called FORTRAN. I am not going through the entire history here, just to point out that the language for computers never changed but the way humans interfaced with the computer changed. If you want to know the entire history check out the HP website.

While there are many different programming languages today, the most common ones used in web page development are JavaScript, HTML, CSS, PHP, and JavaScript which are popular among developers.

Not everyone who has their own website needs to know the technologies that are used to create it. And yet such knowledge may prove very useful to us and it will certainly prove valuable when contacting an IT agency that will create such a website.

Currently, web development is most often done using the HTML 5 language, CSS 3 cascading style sheets, JavaScript and PHP scripting language, and the MySql relational database management system. Remember that these are not the only technologies, but the most frequently used ones due to their capabilities and free access.

To work on the browser side, we only need a web browser and a code editor to be able to program the website. The languages ​​that we use on the client-side (browser) are HTML5, CSS, and JS (JavaScript).

If we want to use PHP technology and MYSQL databases, we need a server, the most used server is APACHE (free server), which must be installed and configured. Professional Apache servers are configured in the LINUX environment, but you can also configure them on the Windows system. The test server can be easily created on your local computer by installing all packages manually (PHP interpreter, MySQL database, and Apache server). There are also special programs that contain the necessary software, e.g. XAMPP. By installing XAMPP, we already have a ready environment for using server-side programming languages. After installing the server and proper configuration, we can fully use the benefits of technological solutions on the server-side with a combination of languages ​​operating on the browser side.  

What are these technologies really characterized by and where are they used? What exactly can they be useful for?

Create websites in many ways

In order to create a really interesting and functional website, it is best to use several technologies, and this is also done in practice. Creating websites is a process, one specialist can create it from beginning to end, but very often this process is divided into stages, where several specialists work on one project. The involvement of more than one person in the work on a project usually forces its scale and size. Many extensive functionalities, which make it not an ordinary website – a showcase, and an extensive portal mean that the work can take up to many months, according to the previously developed schedule and specifications. For more advanced projects, we will need a special web server as well as a database.

Apache is currently one of the most popular and chosen servers. We can also set up a website on a Microsoft or Nginx server. Using the server, we place on it all the files that are necessary for the proper display of the website. We can also place mailboxes on such a server, which will definitely prove useful. 

Technologies that enable the creation of websites

The technologies listed below may prove useful both for creating websites and efficient stores. The vast majority of projects in the form of websites, stores, and internet portals use the following programming languages ​​with great success. 


Below we present the most popular programming languages ​​(HTML 5-description language, more detailed description of the technology below, CSS is not a programming language, we describe it below), which are used in everyday work on creating websites. There are other technologies that are used in creating websites that I have not included below. We will devote a separate article to learning about other solutions ( XML – a language to represent various data, ASP.NET – the code executed from the server-side, most often IIS, Phyton – a language with some nice frameworks that support programming, and others). 

  • HTML 5 (Hypertext Markup Language) is an absolutely basic document description language that is used when creating pages. In fact, it is a markup language rather than a programming language, and using it means using special tags that will allow you to create both the page and all its content. The history of HTML is very interesting because the language was created in 1980 and its creator was the physicist Tim Berners-Lee. Using HTML, documents related to scientific research were made available.
  • CSS 3  (Cascading Style Sheets), as the name suggests, is a cascading style sheet. And if we create styles, we simply make the website have a specific look, graphic design, and even animations. In practice, lists of defined rules have been created that help to give the website the appropriate aesthetics, which we like and which will be accessible and attractive to recipients. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that very often various frameworks are used, which additionally facilitate work with styles. The most popular ones include Kube, Pure, Foundation YAML, and Bootstrap. 
  • Java Script, which is the scripting language behind which Netscape stands. It can be used before the front-end of developers, and then it works on the browser side. However, you can use it on the back-end side, and then use it as node.js or Ringo. There are many frameworks that can be used to create various animations, interactive maps, or other elements of a website that make it look more attractive. It is worth mentioning here, for example, React.js, Ember.js, Meteor.js, Vue.js, Titanium, or Angular.js. In the case of Angular, it is most often used to create mobile applications, just like Titanium, which will work even in the most advanced, complex, and innovative ones. 
  • PHP-it is a language used on the server-side, one of the most widely used and effective in practice. It is a scripting language (an object-oriented design model that has been introduced since PHP5), which is used to support various types of databases. It is also used to generate dynamic content on the page and to create pdf documents. It is worth knowing that it was PHP that was used to create such popular CMS systems as WordPress, Drupal, or the platform for online stores PrestaShop, i.e. open source solutions that are in common use. One of the most popular frameworks that we can mention here is Symfony (based on the MVC pattern – model-view-controller), which allows you to work on both SQL and NoSQL databases. The Larvel framework is also often used, which combines the best solutions from such languages ​​as, for example, RUBY on RAILS or ASP.NET. Frameworks such as ZEND, CAKE PHP, and CODEIGNITER are also popular. 
  • MySQL – Behind this relational database management system stands Oracle with an established position in the market. It is an easy and reliable open-source database. It is extremely popular and often used. 

As you can see, creating websites requires knowledge of many technologies, and often a flexible approach as to what possibilities to use to be able to create a specific product.

Please note that the above languages ​​are under constant development. Higher and higher versions of languages ​​are emerging, which means that we should still see backward compatibility. There are many features that are not supported either by browsers or by backward versions of language compilers, and database engines. Remember to use the most up-to-date and safe solutions.  

Content Management System

CMS is an abbreviation of the English expression Content Management System. It is a website that has an administration panel and allows you to change the content independently and free of charge without knowing the programming language.

What is CMS?

Pages based on the CMS system can be manually edited even by people who do not have any IT knowledge. To add, modify or delete text, just click the button. You can also use the buttons for formatting the text. The most popular CMS systems contain plug-ins, i.e. so-called add-ons. Installing plugins is very simple and is usually limited to the click of a single button.

However, it should be remembered that a modern CMS is necessary, such as example, WordPress. Plugins are tools that allow you to extend the functionality of a website completely free of charge. The big advantage of CMS is the fact that you don’t have to pay to modify your website. It is not even necessary to go to an IT company for help and agree on the details, because you can actually do everything yourself. Currently, virtually all websites are equipped with a CMS, which is why they are used very efficiently. For the CMS to work properly, programming code is necessary, also known as source code.

Open source code

It is worth noting that such code may be shared with customers who have purchased the software or disclosed to the public. There are open source systems and closed source systems. In the first case, the code is usually made available to the public for free, which means that a very large number of people have access to it. Many Internet users who have access to the source code can create plug-ins, templates, and other add-ons based on it. This way it is easier to spot any errors in the code.

However, it should be borne in mind that such a system must be systematically updated for security reasons. Of course, updating does not take long, and usually, it is enough to click one button and the rest will be done automatically. There are very rarely any problems, so you can update your system without fear. In less popular CMSs, updating may not be so simple and then programming knowledge will be required. If you do not feel up to it, it is worth using the help of an experienced IT specialist.

Closed source code

There are also closed source systems that are developed as products of specific companies. The source code of such a CMS is known only to the customer of the company where it was used. The lower number of add-ons is due to the fact that the number of system users is also small. Code is only developed by one company, so development is much slower. There may also be security errors in the code, which are very difficult to detect because only a small group of recipients has full access to it. The need to update such a CMS is also rare, so the development possibilities are very limited.

There are also so-called hosted CMSs on the market, in which you do not have to pay for hosting, but at the same time, you do not get access to the source code. Only a ready-made system is used, installed on the service provider’s servers, the capabilities of which are limited. Uploading your own add-ons to such systems is not possible because the companies responsible for such solutions have blocked some options for users for security reasons.

It is quite problematic to export content from such a service, which is why hosted CMSs are not very popular. Their biggest advantage is the price because they are second to none in this respect. The most popular and unrivaled Content Management System at present is WordPress, which is also available in Polish.

WordPress CMS

It is free and can be used for commercial purposes, and is open source. There are over 1,500 free templates and 35,000 plug-ins at the user’s disposal. The only downside is that plug-in settings and descriptions are usually in English, so beginners may have a little trouble understanding how all the tools work. It is also worth noting that most websites currently use WordPress.

It is a very readable and transparent CMS with a built-in comment system. A few clicks are enough to completely change the layout of the website. You can count on the help of programmers with any modifications to this CMS. Community support also plays an important role, as solutions to most problems can be found online. WordPress has many plugins, which means that you can put on it not only an online store but also a discussion forum and even an advertising portal. Of course, other CMSs are also available, such as Drupal or Joomla, but WordPress is far ahead in terms of quality and functionality.

CMS Content Management System

The CMS Content Management System is a platform that is extremely important in every company. Which module will suit you depends on the department. The most important thing is that the interface is intuitive so that each new employee can easily implement it. Sometimes a dedicated proprietary CMS is required. You have open-source code to a few, e.g. cms WordPress. A professional system means easy adding, efficient management, and optimization of the website content.

CMS Platforms Content Management System

You do not need to have advanced knowledge or programming skills to manage your own website. There is also no need for any specialized, difficult-to-use software. You can successfully customize the content, appearance, and functionality of the website using convenient online tools. We explain what a CMS is and how it works!

With the help of the CMS system, you can create, among others:

  • blog,
  • company website,
  • online shop,
  • business card,
  • portfolio,
  • information portal,
  • forum,
  • social networking site,
  • an online course platform.

The intuitive administration panel allows you to perform activities such as:

  • text editing (layout, fonts, structure, linking, photos, tables, bulleted lists, bold, etc.),
  • content modification (no knowledge of HTML, PHP, and CSS),
  • managing subpages (including their URLs),
  • title and description meta tag configuration,
  • adding various plugins and ready-made modules (e.g. chat, comments, photo gallery, opinions, maps),
  • creating various language versions.

The CMS administration panel should allow easy editing and configuration of various elements on the website. Thanks to this, you can quickly publish, modify or update published content, without the need to write long strings of code. In many cases, there is a convenient visual editor that is not much more difficult to use than commonly used text programs.

Types of CMS systems

There are several types of CMS that can be distinguished based on various criteria. Typically, the software license is taken into account. There are three categories:

  • open-source system – free CMS with open source code that can be freely modified;
  • Software as Service ( SaaS ) system – paid CMS, settled in the form of a subscription, giving a limited possibility of changing files;
  • proprietary CMS – a custom-made system by a programming company, ideally suited to the needs and expectations, but at the same time quite expensive.

CMS systems can also be distinguished by their purpose, i.e. the type of websites they allow to create. The most common is a simple division into two types:

  • blog platforms – mainly articles of various lengths are published there;
  • sales platforms – intended for running an online store.
  • In some cases, thanks to additional plugins, you can easily turn your blogging platform into a sales platform, e.g. by using WooCommerce, which is an add-on to WordPress.

What to consider when choosing a CMS?

There are many free and paid website development systems on the market. Each option has its advantages and disadvantages, so be sure to familiarize yourself with the specific options before making the final decision. When choosing a CMS, be sure to pay attention to:

  • price – even theoretically free systems can generate costs over time, e.g. when you want to buy paid plugins;
  • service – each CMS administration panel is different. While they are usually designed to be as intuitive as possible, sometimes their functions are a bit more difficult to master;
  • personalization – the use of page templates makes the operation much easier, but it does not mean that you have to be schematic. Advanced systems allow you to adjust many elements so that the website is ideally suited to its purpose and brand image;
  • SEO – even basic positioning tools help to increase the visibility of the website to some extent;
  • popularity – known systems gathering a large community are constantly developed and improved. Using them, you can easily find additional components, support materials, as well as support from more experienced users, etc.

A good CMS system should be relatively simple, but it should offer many functions and give a lot of room for personalization. The most important thing, however, is that it is properly adjusted to the nature of the website and its purpose. It must not be forgotten that the website must be easy to use for both its owner and recipients.

The most popular CMS systems

There are many CMS systems on the market for creating stores and websites, but only a few of them have become more popular. Below we describe the most popular open-source systems.

The most famous CMS in the world. It is simple, and at the same time gives many possibilities to build an aesthetic, modern,
and functional website. It offers a wide selection of aesthetic templates, and also allows you to introduce interesting functions, including those necessary when running an e-commerce business.

More advanced software, but still fairly easy to use. An option rather for people who already have at least little experience with CMS systems. It gives you access to many free add-ons and extensions and also has an active community willing to share their knowledge.

Advanced system, ideal for pages that need to have a more complex structure. It has many additional features that cannot be found on competing platforms. However, programming knowledge may be useful to operate this program, e.g. knowledge of HTML, PHP, or CSS.

A versatile system absolutely intended for experienced users. With the help of an advanced administration panel, you can create both very advanced and minimalist websites. It is extremely scalable, which is why it is perfect for creating a large company or sales portals.

A very simple, versatile system that is perfect even for beginners. It is distinguished by clean HTML code and good SEO support. However, the program has relatively few plug-ins and extensions, which is why it fares a bit worse than the competition in this respect.

Extremely popular sales platform. Thanks to it, you can basically run a shop for free – only additional plugins are payable. The operation is so simple that with the help of this system it is possible to successfully start an e-commerce business.

Advantages of CMS systems

Depending on your budget, you can of course use the professional support of an external company that creates websites. However, ready-made solutions have many advantages.

The biggest advantages of CMS systems include:

  • easy accessibility – most popular solutions are generally available on the Internet;
  • simple operation – to a large extent, it is possible to successfully create a fully-fledged, functional website without specialized technical knowledge, IT skills, or advanced programs;
  • low costs – the systems are usually free, and any fees associated with a subscription or purchase of add-ons are definitely lower than the cost of creating a website by an external company;
  • security – pages created in the CMS system have appropriate security, and in the event of any problems, you can easily receive the necessary support;
  • SEO tools – thanks to the support of extensions that facilitate positioning, you can optimize the website and increase its visibility;
  • convenient content management – changes to the website can be introduced at any place and time, by one user or a team of authorized persons;
  • a wide range of ready-made solutions – graphic templates, modules, plug-ins, and extensions help you easily build a website tailored to your specific needs and also allow you to develop it on an ongoing basis.

A website made with the CMS system is profitable, easy to use, and at the same time fully practical. By using this solution, you can save a lot of time and money, not only at the stage of creating a website but also during its operation. In addition, popular tools are constantly developing and being updated, which is why they are friendly to recipients and search engines.

Is the CMS system mandatory?

The CMS system is not obligatory to create a website, but it is a great help. Software of this type can be used by laymen as well as experienced programmers who make full use of their potential. They are perfect not only for smaller businesses but also for larger brands and institutions. They are great website-building tools that make basic content management a lot easier. They are very popular for a reason – it is estimated that about 60% of all active websites were created on the basis of CMS systems.

Which CMS to choose?

Since there are quite a few options available, it can be difficult to figure out which CMS to choose. The most important thing is that it should be adapted to the purpose of the site. Before you start creating a website, it is worth familiarizing yourself with all the functions of the platform in order to make a fully conscious decision. By choosing the wrong CMS, you can have problems running your site, which may eventually lead to the need to move to another system.

Which CMS works best in certain situations? Let’s look at some examples:

  • WordPress is an ideal blog platform or a strictly informative website (e.g. describing the activities of a given company),
  • a more advanced brand or institution website can be successfully prepared using Joomla !;
  • small stores (up to 100 items on offer) are usually created using a WordPress extension, i.e. WooCommerce;
  • medium-sized stores often use the PrestaShop system;
  • larger, more diverse stores work perfectly well on the Polish, paid (in the SasS model) Shopper system,
  • professional employee portals are often created on the Typo3 system.

It makes the most sense to double-check all the available options or seek the advice of specialists. With additional support, you can choose the perfect variant and take full advantage of its possibilities. This will make the website the most profitable and useful.